OMG and then hopefully I will get to Big Brother and the intelligent atrocity that is Vanessa. Somehow, for some reason, the people I hate almost always win at that show, I guess because I abhor people who twist and manipulate things and still somehow get what they want and that, sadly seems to be what it takes to win that game. And yet I sit riveted every episode. But anyway, on to the eye candy.... I am not going to number them because this is not planned and I am simply adding the men as they come to my mind.
Rory McIlroy. I am not even a golf fan but this guy makes me tune in. Big Time. His Body. Is freaking ridiculous. I don't know what it is about a compact guy with a nice body but....
Justin Timberlake holds steady on my list because he is an amazing singer and now proving to be a fantastic husband and new father. Plus let's face it, he is simply adorable....
Leonardo DiCaprio holds steady for me too because he is just so darn cute. Those eyes, that face, it's all very very good.....He played an impeccable Gatsby and he is just a great actor as well...
The duo of Chris Traeger and Ben Wyatt that came in and took Parks and Recreation by storm. Basically reminded the world how hot Rob Lowe is and although he doesn't really do IT for me, there is not denying that is he a very attractive man. I am far more partial to Adam Scott and his portrayal of the perfect man for Leslie those expressions...swoon...
Being a die hard Giants fan, I have to go with my boy Buster Posey...he is so cute and such a hard working ball player and all around good guy...
While we're on the subject of athletes, Seattle Seahawks QB Russell Wilson, is my next pick. He is not only a great athlete and not to hard on the eyes, but he is also a stand up guy....
This one is a bit off the charts because I am obviously not a gay man, but, Mitchell Pritchett is my favorite Modern Family character and therefore makes the list....he is so darn cute and I adore his relationships with Cameron and pretty much everyone on the show,,,
I tried to avoid it, but I gotta go again with Zac Efron. He is just And a lot older than he was last time I made this list so I shouldn't feel as bad...and maybe there's a reason he stays....I mean, look at those arms....I mean eyes. no arms, no eyes, hell I like it all!!!
I think that's nine and I feel the need to round it out with my hands down favorite ginger, Ed Sheeran. His voice alone is enough to melt your heart and his humble disposition and the sense you get that he's probably a crazy beast in bed, well that all adds up to something pretty great....
So, apparently my lust for youngish men has not really dissipated much, but I think my taste has matured a bit at the same time. Or maybe that's wishful thinking....I guess I like what I like!!!
And...Vanessa Ruosso...this chick is just in my craw. I can't stand her!!!! To me she looks like Squidward and everything she does is game. Which is fine but I just personally cannot stand her.
I have a feeling that my favorite (James) is going home this week which makes me so sad. But he is a gamer so hopefully he will pull out a veto win to save himself! Really don't care what happens to Meg but they are basically connected so.....
Anyway, I am almost out of vodka and Friends is on so I guess I should wrap it up! For the 3 or 4 people that might read this, I hope you enjoyed, maybe I'll write another in 2 or 3 years!!